Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 13, 2008 19:34:42 GMT
I usually start out with the basic panel positions, head placements, and dialogue. From there I know how much space I need to show things.
Pretty much always start with the eyes (after the initial head/body guide sketch).
Post by strainofthought on Oct 15, 2008 1:05:27 GMT
In panel six of page 469, is Antimony looking towards Gamma or where (what appeared to be) Kat was standing? The look on Antimony's face is very scary but it is not clear who (or what) it is directed at.
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 15, 2008 9:10:29 GMT
She is looking in the general direction her face is pointing. I can't detail exactly everything Annie's eyes are focusing on at every point. Not in a comic that updates three times a week.
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Post by Klex on Oct 16, 2008 21:35:16 GMT
Are you left or right-handed ?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 16, 2008 21:38:00 GMT
Right handed.
Post by kaziklu on Oct 17, 2008 3:39:25 GMT
What do your friends think of you? Are they proud of you and buy you beer all the time or do they avoid you like the plague?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 17, 2008 9:14:32 GMT
To people in real life, drawing or writing a comic is the most uninteresting subject ever conceived. Luckily, I've not talked to anyone at length outside of work for a very long time.
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Post by CameoAppearance on Oct 17, 2008 9:34:47 GMT
Is Gamma's hair actually black at the ends or is that just shading?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 17, 2008 9:57:56 GMT
Her hair is darker at the ends. she doesn't dye it or anything though, it's just like that.
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Posts: 170
Post by Klex on Oct 17, 2008 13:15:00 GMT
When do you write each comment ? At 8 UTC, 3 months ago, it depends...?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 17, 2008 14:38:19 GMT
Whenever I upload the strip. Usually in two week blocks. The latest comment was written two weeks ago.
Post by Mezzaphor on Oct 17, 2008 23:02:32 GMT
Is it pronounced "Gunnerkrigg" or "Gunnerkreeg"?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 17, 2008 23:07:59 GMT
The former.
Post by Mezzaphor on Oct 18, 2008 4:24:33 GMT
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Posts: 59
Post by Madii on Oct 18, 2008 16:43:56 GMT
Is there anything good about Birmingham?
Post by sivulla on Oct 18, 2008 21:45:50 GMT
Does Anja have any roots in Scandinavian region?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 19, 2008 0:27:40 GMT
Nobody relevant to the comic.
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 19, 2008 0:28:31 GMT
Is there anything good about Birmingham? I watched a dead guy being fished out of the canal once.
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 19, 2008 0:28:54 GMT
Does Anja have any roots in Scandinavian region? No, she doesn't.
Post by monkeybucks on Oct 20, 2008 9:17:40 GMT
Is there anything good about Birmingham? I watched a dead guy being fished out of the canal once. Woah now. Why haven't you left Birmingham? If it's so terrible. Also, it has the word "ham" at the end. This could be a good thing. Ham is pretty okay.
Post by kaziklu on Oct 20, 2008 9:50:19 GMT
I once saw a Yugo 45 being dragged out of the sea. Beat that Tom!
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Posts: 59
Post by Madii on Oct 20, 2008 13:05:34 GMT
Why haven't you left Birmingham? If it's so terrible. I wasn't aware we could leave.
Post by Freederick on Oct 21, 2008 17:09:26 GMT
Zimmy: We's still on that roof. Is Zimmy referring to astral projection? Is Bummingham on the Astral Plane?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 21, 2008 19:11:39 GMT
Zimmy would have to know (and care) what astral projection was first.
Post by sue911 on Oct 22, 2008 4:02:52 GMT
Not really, no. I'm not trying to trick anyone here. Sometimes I leave clues in the story so people can figure out stuff on their own. Edit: However, this makes it a kick in the nuts when people call me predictable when I've clearly been leading up to something. Yeah,when you leave clues,they say it's predictable,but when you don't,they say it's random.However,I personally think you've done a great job so far,Gunnerkrigg court has a good balance,and it has inspired me to improve on my drawing/story writing. On another note, which do you prefer?Anime or american animation?Or does it depend?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 22, 2008 6:28:29 GMT
Both have their good and bad points. Anyone who would say one is better than the other should be disregarded.
Post by Midnight Meadows on Oct 22, 2008 6:36:01 GMT
Yeah,when you leave clues,they say it's predictable That's just their way of trying to make themselves feel smart, like they're hot stuff and figured out what's going on. Truth be told, it's a ruse, since nobody has any actual way of knowing what's being planned inside Tom's mind except maybe Tom himself...and not even he might know! Tom isn't Tim Buckley, so the adjective "predictable" is invalid here. Anyway, a question: This may have been asked before, but do you ever plan to "resolve" Gunnerkrigg and bring it to a definite end/climax (including explaining a lot of the mysteries), or has that not taken shape in your mind quite yet?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 22, 2008 7:24:39 GMT
I do have an ending in mind, but I don't know how long it will take to get there.
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Posts: 34
Post by noako on Oct 22, 2008 7:30:44 GMT
Gunnerkrigg requests their students right? What if the students deny? CAN they choose not to go? Like "I want to go to that other school, so thanks but no". Or is Gunnerkrigg considered so good it would be unwise to ignore their request? Also what kind of voice does boxbot have?
Post by Tom Siddell on Oct 22, 2008 9:22:11 GMT
The Court decides who goes to the school yeah. Nobody is forced to go, but they are given incentives (actual incentives, not mafia style "incentives").
Boxbot probably has a terrible voice.